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The White-Knuckle Ride of Reputation Management
March 29, 2008
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Business Development, Change, Culture, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy /
Strategy series opinion piece published in Managing Partner Magazine As Benjamin Franklin so wisely said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it”. His words should be a wake-up call for managing partners that have placed their trust in the fingers-crossed method of reputation management, […]Read More
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want…
February 17, 2008
by admin
Business Development, Change, Key Account Management, Strategy, Vision /
Article published in Legal Marketing Magazine The return of the Spice Girls and their Wannabe anthem offers a timely reminder to professional services marketers of the requirement to understand and deliver the needs of their clients. This is best achieved by listening instead of telling and by acting on the basis of a deep […]Read More
Avoiding a cultural cacophony
December 16, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Vision /
Strategy series opinion piece published in Managing Partner Magazine Everyone accepts that we live in a multicultural society and operate in a world where barriers to business across national frontiers are dismantling at an ever increasing rate. There is positive potential for firms in their response to these cultural challenges and opportunities. Culture is […]Read More
Is anybody listening?
November 23, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Key Account Management, Strategy /
Strategy Series opinion piece published in Managing Partner Magazine Technology has enabled mass communication at a level never before experienced. With over 12,000 specialist publications in the UK, enabled by improved technology and ever-reducing production costs, the ability to talk in a highly focused way is at a new threshold. This promise of highly […]Read More
Time to wake up and smell the coffee
November 3, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Feature published in Legal Marketing Magazine Keeping your options open is a philosophy to which many management teams subscribe, either overtly or by their actions. This isn’t to say that unwavering dogma is a good thing, but rather that a clear sense of direction, being prepared to say ‘no’ to ideas that don’t fit, […]Read More
Moving from technical excellence to business nous
October 14, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Case Study published in Professional Development Strategies for Law Firms Ambitious firms recognise that being excellent at their core legal skill is simply not enough – creating an enhanced commercial understanding of their clients’ needs and building the business development skills of their people are two ways in which the firm can create a […]Read More
Do you judge a book by its cover?
September 4, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Strategy Series opinion piece published in Managing Partner Magazine For professional firms too much emphasis on the cover and not enough on the content has heralded the demise of many a branding initiative. Moreover, firms’ inability to walk the talk of their brand promises has sadly done more than waste oodles of money. It […]Read More
Horses choosing courses – How refreshing!
July 18, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Merger, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Published in Legal Marketing Cover Feature Every horse can win a race, but selecting the right race to run in is key. Law firms should choose the arenas best matched to their capabilities for differentiation and competitive advantage. We frequently hear that sophisticated purchasers of legal services are, more and more, choosing ‘horses for […]Read More
Balancing the business
June 11, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy /
Opinion Piece published in Managing Parner Magazine The ‘balanced scorecard’ has taken its place in the glossary of management terminology to such an extent that it is easy to assume all managing partners are fully conversant with the theory and are applying it to their firms on a daily basis. Neither of these assumptions […]Read More
More Than Embossing The Wallpaper
June 4, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Published in Professional Marketing Magazine The twelfth annual PM Forum Global Conference in September will address one of the biggest challenges facing professional service firms today; how does a firm create an environment in which innovative thinking can flourish, that allows clients and firms to create deep bonds and where the best ideas are […]Read More
Birds of a Feather?
April 26, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Cover feature of Legal Marketing Magazine A perplexing question: Are business development and knowledge management strange bedfellows or birds of a feather? The insightful answer: When boiled down to its base elements, all that a law firm does is leverage knowledge and leverage relationships. What about the knowledge embedded in the relationship with the […]Read More
It’s my ball and you can’t play with it!
April 23, 2007
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Key Account Management, Strategy, Vision /
Published in Legal Marketing Magazine “It’s my ball and you can’t play with it!” is both the mantra of the incorrigible infant and the modus operandi of the petulant professional. Behind the phrase lies an implicit understanding, “we can play together, perhaps even playing the game that you want to play, but only if […]Read More
What can knowledge management contribute to business development?
April 18, 2006
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Published in Know-How in the Legal Profession, Managing Partner Best Practice Management Series A perplexing question: Are business development and knowledge management strange bedfellows or birds of a feather? The insightful answer: When boiled down to its base elements, all that a law firm does is leverage knowledge and leverage relationships. What about the […]Read More
Differentiation: Developing the right approach for you
April 29, 2004
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Published in Managing Partner Magazine The strategic approach that you adopt for your firm is unlikely to provide a complete solution to the differentiation challenges that you face. This is because you will have to decide a practical path that reconciles your strategic theory with the reality of your firm and all of its […]Read More
Differentiation: Choosing the battles to fight
March 21, 2004
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Vision /
Published in Managing Partner Magazine In any business situation, it is crucial to make active choices about the battlefield on which you wish to compete. These choices also direct the investment of scarce resources within a firm, which need to be prioritised and aligned with clear strategic objectives. Considering the spectrum of legal services, […]Read More
Differentiation: Why does it matter?
February 14, 2004
by admin
Business Development, Change, Culture, Growth, Innovation, Key Account Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values, Vision /
Published in Managing Partner Magazine The theme of this series of articles is the role that differentiation and positioning plays in the development of successful strategies within professional-service firms. Much of the series will concentrate on the importance of a clear framework in allowing coherent decisions to be made about the future direction of […]Read More
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